School's Out
Community Free BBQ
Come on out on Friday June 28 from 6-9PM!
Join us for good, FREE food, children's activities and some great community time!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What happens if it is raining that day?
The BBQ will simply move indoors, and we will still have food, bounce houses and games for all!
Where is the Community BBQ?
The BBQ is being held at Pathway Church Cambrian, at 240 Cardiff Drive NW, Calgary AB, T2K 1S2
When is the BBQ?
The event will be on Friday, June 28th, starting at 6pm and ending at 9pm. Feel free to come by any time in that window.
Where should I park?
The best option for parking is street parking or near by the church building.
Can I bring my whole family?
Yes. There will be plenty of food for everyone! There will also be many activities for children.
What activities are there?
There will be bouncy houses, face painting, crafts, balloon animals, lawn games, ice cream, bubbles & more!
Is everything free?
Yes. The community BBQ is entirely free, as well as the activities.
Are there other dietary options?
There will be veggie burgers, as well as regular burgers.
There may be cross-contamination between veggie burgers and regular burgers, so please be mindful of that as you get yours!
Have more questions?
Please email the Community Engagement Team at cet@pathwaychurch.ca for more details!